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This is a pre-sale item. IOD SILICONE BLADES


IOD SILICONE BLADE is a DIY decor tool for applying paint and creative mediums blending, and creating texture. Using this tool, you will use less paint than with a paintbrush and, you can easily save the unused paint by scraping the excess paint into your can or jar.


Common trowels, such as a putty knife, are rigid and have very little (or no) flex. This means they retain their shape regardless of the texture of the surface you are working on.

The IOD Silicone Paint Blade is different than a rigid trowel, as it engages with your topographical surface. As you press the blade down, it flexes and changes shape to fill in the high and low points of your surface.

Availability: 2 in stock (can be backordered)

This is a pre-sale item.

IOD SILICONE BLADE is a DIY decor tool for applying paint and creative mediums blending, and creating texture. Using this tool, you will use less paint than with a paintbrush and, you can easily save the unused paint by scraping the excess paint into your can or jar.


Common trowels, such as a putty knife, are rigid and have very little (or no) flex. This means they retain their shape regardless of the texture of the surface you are working on.

The IOD Silicone Paint Blade is different than a rigid trowel, as it engages with your topographical surface. As you press the blade down, it flexes and changes shape to fill in the high and low points of your surface.

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 1.5 in


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